about DENEYE

Development Network for Youth Empowerment (DENEYE) is a youth- led non-Governmental organization. DENEYE was established in 2019 as a grassroots organization. It started as youth club (Tigonjetse Youth club) in 2013, in Traditional Authority Chikweo, Senior group Chipolonga in Machinga District. The organization is currently being run by a group of young proactive youths and adults who are convinced that development does not lay in the hands of the elders alone, but also in those of the youths.

The goal of DENEYE is to contribute to the endeavors of supporting meaningful community and youth development, realization of full rights as enshrined in the Malawi constitution, health generation, sustainable development and democracy in Malawi. DENEYE works to increase the capacity of vulnerable groups through accountability and transparency, partnership, advocacy, enhancing youth –adult partnership knowledge base and equipping them with livelihood skills.


Our mission and vision

Mission: To provide an appropriate protection of children's rights, youth initiatives and opportunity for enabling youth to develop social, economic, cultural and political skills so as to develop and improve their quality of life.

Our Vision: DENEYE envisions a society full of young people and adults who are economically independent, reduced HIV/AIDS incidences and prevalence. Create a supportive socio-cultural, economic and political environment that will empower the youths to be partners in development.

Networking, collaboration and partenership

Partnership with other stakeholders has been so cordial. Most of the activities conducted, government has been there either as guest of honor, facilitator or presenter. DENEYE also have had interface meetings with government departments to tackle issues of national interest such as the youth governance, education, health, environmental more especially climate change issues and economic issues among others.

Partnership with other stakeholders has been so cordial. Most of the activities conducted, government has been there either as guest of honor, facilitator or presenter. DENEYE also have had interface meetings with government departments to tackle issues of national interest such as the youth governance, education, health, environmental more especially climate change issues and economic issues among others.

DENEYE in liaise with other youth networks such as Youth Wave and National Youth Council of Malawi (NYCOM) has also been engaging civil society seeking on gender mainstreaming and youth related issues and policies. We have been lobbying the civil society to support youth development in Machinga. Among other issues, we asked the civil society to support the politicization of youth programmes and institutions; enactment of Access to Information laws; establishment of Parliamentary Youth Dialogue meeting with government Committee, creation of Youth Development Centre’s in their respective constituencies and the increased funding to youth development programmes among others.

DENEYE operates towards fulfilling the following objectives.

  • Advocate for quality, equitable and improved service delivery in health, livelihood and education sectors in a child and youth friendly manner
  • Promote Girls and youth inclusion in decision making positions in order to shape the experience and leadership skills among young people
  • Advocate for good governance, rule of law, gender equality and respect for human rights at grassroots and national level.
  • Advocate for enabling policy environment aimed at creating access to social, economic opportunities and entrepreneurial skills among women, children and young people in Malawi.
  • To safeguard, promote and protect human rights with a special focus on people affected and infected with HIV/AIDS, people with disabilities, children, women and the youth

Strategy and Strength

Strategic focus

DENEYE believe in empowering youth’s access to information, services and rights so that they can build self-esteem to challenge and develop their leadership potential. DENEYE empowers youths by supporting their skills through:

Awareness and Advocacy

Youths work with Gender, Sexuality, Health & Rights, Peer Pressure and Mental Health, Life Skills and Education, Child Protection, Good Governance and Accountability (focusing on the implementation of the CVA and Gender empowerment in Machinga District.

Community Based Partnerships

DENEYE works primarily at district level and works with youth led groups and other partners.

Communication & Skills Development:

DENEYE trains youths to develop their skills to build and support platforms for civic engagement, child protection and advocacy, Human rights to enable reporting, redress and referral of sexual harassment of girls and youth development and involvement in decision making at community and district levels.

Through focus areas, DENEYE engages youths and adults to develop programs through:

Empowering Youth (With Health & Menstrual Hygiene and HIV/AIDs Awareness, Life Skills & Mentorship and role modeling in Education) Addressing Mental Health Issues & Developing Life Skills with Adolescents Awareness & Advocacy on Environment, Economic Empowerment (entrepreneurship) Gender, Sexuality, Health and Rights, Good Governance & Citizenship Promoting gender justice, Human Rights promotion and protection


  • Registered and with network of established youth support groups
  • Recognized amongst stakeholders
  • Qualified staff and members
  • Uniqueness in terms of mandate, mission and vision
  • Commitment by Board members

Where we Work

Traditional Authorities ; Chikweo and Mtumbwinda

Traditional Authorities ; Chikweo and Mtumbwinda

The volunteers are involved in running school clubs, carrying out research, fundraising activities, provision of youth-leadership and health services, etc.

Besides the volunteer work at the secretariat, some of other impact areas where we implement activities include Chikweo Healthy Centre (the Youth-Friendly Health Services Program); Secondary School (Interactive mentorship and role modeling), Primary Schools ( Children’s life skills mentorship and role modeling program) Mtumbwinda and surrounding areas (youth engagement in decision making process in community level at different youth clubs.

We network with various CBOs within Traditional Authority Chikweo to carry out a number of activities through youthful volunteers. The volunteers have established and run community health clubs at Chikweo health facility . DENEYE is working in partnership with USAID MOMENTUM Project: Njoyako digital health services , Youth Wave Malawi, Her-Liberty organization, Machinga District, PSI, Anti Corruption Bureau, and Youth Response for Social Change-YRSC and World Connect Malawi project; construction of Library at Nampeya Community Day Secondary School in Machinga District.

Thematic Areas

The 4 core thematic programme areas which DENEYE has so far used to implement a number of its activities include:

  • Health (SRHR, HIVand AIDS, Mental health)
  • Education
  • Gender and good governance
  • Entrepreneurship and vocational skills
  • Youth leadership
  • Child protection

School Outreach Programme:

We seek to establish School Mentorship clubs and libraries in schools currently we are building a library in Nampeya. We have already established a number of school clubs and we are currently in the process of rolling out the programme in other areas of the country if resources will be available

The Role modeling and Mentorship approaches have also enabled us to explore better and improved ways of implementing the Primary Curriculum Assessment and Review (PCAR) in collaboration with the teachers and other key school community stakeholders. Builds community involvement and facilitates tailored support to be delivered to schools. Using the Role Modeling and Mentorship approaches, teachers in the target schools have been trained by DENEYE on how to strategically and effectively conduct performance review during scheduled interactions

Awareness and Media Advocacy Program:

Information, Education and Communication (IEC) combine strategies, approaches and methods that enable individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities to play active roles in achieving, protecting and sustaining the development and rights of youths.

Inspired by volunteer coaches who gave their time to deliver a fun and interactive style of learning, the program stimulated increased knowledge, attitude, communication, and behaviors related , Entrepreneurship, Democracy , Human rights to HIV prevention. Using activities such as volleyball, Youth Junction and/or others, the program is able to create a unique connection between interactive play that mobilizes youth to further their understanding of HIV prevention and life skills.


The organization would like to achieve and conduct number of interventions aimed at ending child marriages and promoting access to youth friendly health services at community levels in Machinga District. Some of the major interventions and achievements are:

  • Engagement of local leaders on the modification and abolition of harmful cultural practices that hamper girls access to sexual reproductive health rights including early marriages
  • Enhancement of youth-adult partnerships for sustainability of community development.
  • Participation in the organizing and coordination of regional symposium on ending child Marriage
  • Establishment of groups of youth living with HIV and AIDS for positive living, access to health and social services and formation of advocacy groups for the rights of young women and men living with HIV and AIDS.
  • Promotion of behavioral change communications among parents and youth as an HIV/AIDS Prevention measure to keep those negative continue living negative and those living positive remain positive but health life and avoid new infections for HIV free generation.